

(מבוסס על נתוני אתר Aviation Herald ומשרד התחבורה):

8 בפברואר 2013

נחיתת חירום של מטוס בואינג 737 של אל על בשל ריח חריכה בתא הנוסעים

An El Al Boeing 737-800, registration 4X-EKJ performing flight LY-213 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to London Luton,EN (UK), was climbing out of Tel Aviv when the crew stopped the climb at FL260 due to smell of smoke on board and decided to return to Tel Aviv for a safe landing on runway 08 about 30 minutes after departure.

The flight was cancelled, the passengers were rebooked onto other flights.

13 בינואר 2013

נחיתת חירום של מטוס ATR72 של ארקיע בעקבות איתות נורת אזהרה

An Arkia Airlines Avion de Transport Regional ATR-72-500, flight IZ-802 from Eilat to Tel Aviv Sde-Dov Airport (Israel) with 67 people on board, was descending towards Tel Aviv when the crew received an engine fire indication and decided to divert to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport for a safe landing. Responding emergency services found no trace of fire, smoke or heat.

The airline confirmed an engine fire indication during the flight, the indication was identified faulty.


5 בנובמבר 2012 

עשן במטוס בואינג 747-400 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 747-400, registration 4X-ELD performing flight LY-7 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to New York JFK,NY (USA) with 338 people on board, was enroute at FL340 about 140nm northwest of Shannon (Ireland) about to enter Oceanic Airspace, when the crew decided to turn around without requesting priority and set course in direction of London,EN (UK). About 20 minutes later while descending through FL210 about 50nm east of Shannon the crew declared PAN reporting an unidentified smell of smoke in the main cabin and requested to now divert to Shannon (Ireland). The aircraft landed safely on Shannon's runway 24 about 25 minutes after declaring PAN, backtracked the runway and taxied to the apron with emergency services following the aircraft.

The passengers were taken to hotels.

A replacement Boeing 747-400 registration 4X-ELB has been dispatched from Tel Aviv to Shannon as flight LY-21 and is expected to continue the flight to New York.

The airport currently estimates the flight to continue on Nov 6th at 02:00L (02:00Z).


29 ביולי 2012 

בעיה במערכת הדלק של מטוס בואינג 737 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 737-800, registration 4X-EKB performing flight LY-333 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Brussels (Belgium) with 121 passengers and 8 crew, was enroute at FL340 about 170nm south of Budapest (Hungary) still in Serbian Airspace near Belgrade, when the crew reported problems with their fuel system and decided to divert to Budapest. On approach to Budapest the crew declared emergency reporting they had 7.2 tons of fuel on board however could not use 3.8 tons from the right hand fuel tank. The aircraft landed safely on runway 31R about 26 minutes after leaving FL340. Runway 31R was subsequently not available, other aircraft on finals to Budapest were instructed to swing over to runway 31L.

Following repairs of a malfunctioning fuel valve the aircraft was able to continue after about 6:45 hours later and reached Brussels with a delay of 7 hours


7 ביולי 2012

מנוע כובה במהלך טיסה במטוס ATR72 של ישראייר

An Israir Avion de Transport Regional ATR-72-500, flight 6H-442 from Eilat to Tel Aviv Sde-Dov Airport (Israel) with 75 passengers, including 3 infants, and 4 crew, was on approach to Tel Aviv's Sde-Dov Airport when one of the engines malfunctioned prompting the crew to shut the engine down and divert to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport, where the aircraft landed safely.

The passengers were bussed to Sde-Dov Airport.


4 ביולי 2012

מנוע בואינג 747-400 של אל על כובה במהלך טיסה

An El Al Boeing 747-400, registration 4X-ELD performing flight LY-318 from London Heathrow,EN (UK) to Tel Aviv (Israel) with 411 people on board, was climbing through FL260 out of London when the #4 engine (PW4056, outboard right hand) lost power and cabin crew observed streaks of flames out of the engine. The flight crew shut the engine down, no fire indication was observed and fire suppression systems were not activated, and returned to London for a safe landing on runway 27R about 20 minutes later.

The flight was cancelled, a replacement flight is estimated to depart Jul 5th.

The NTSB reported on Jul 12th 2012 that about 20 mintes after departure the #4 engine failed. The N1 indication dropped to zero along with sounds. The government of Israel is investigating the occurrence.

17 ביוני 2012

תקלה במנוע מטוס ATR72 של ארקיע

An Arkia Israel Airlines Avion de Transport Regional ATR-72-500, registration 4X-AVX performing flight IZ-845 from Tel Aviv to Eilat (Israel) with 73 people on board, was on approach to Eilat when the crew received a right hand engine fire indication, shut the engine down and activated the fire suppression system, which extinguished the fire indication, and continued for a safe landing on Eilat's runway 03 about 10 minutes later. Responding emergency services found no trace of fire, heat or smoke.

The airline confirmed an engine fire indication which prompted the crew to carry out the relevant standard procedures. The aircraft is currently being examined.

The airport authority said there was no evidence of an engine fire.


18 במאי 2012

תקלת מדפים בבואינג 747-400 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 747-400, registration 4X-ELA performing flight LY-315 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to London Heathrow,EN (UK) with 349 passengers, was climbing out of Tel Aviv's runway 26 when the crew could not fully retract the flaps, levelled off at 8000 feet and returned to Tel Aviv for a safe landing on runway 26 about 80 minutes after departure.

A replacement Boeing 747-400 registration 4X-ELC is estimated to reach London with a delay of 4.5 hours. 


21 בדצמבר 2011

תקלת מדפים בבואינג 737-800 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 737-800, registration 4X-EKI performing flight LY-571 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Bucharest Otopeni (Romania) with 141 passengers, was on approach to Otopeni's runway 08R descending through 2500 feet MSL when the crew aborted the approach reporting flaps problems and climbed back to FL100 and entered a holding to work the relevant checklists, however could not solve the problem. The aircraft subsequently landed safely on Otopeni's runway 26R at a higher than normal speed about 50 minutes after aborting the first approach.

The aircraft was able to depart for the return flight LY-572 with a delay of 2 


11 בדצמבר 2011

תקלת מדפים בבואינג 737-800 של אל על

An El Al Tel Aviv (Israel) to Amsterdam (Netherlands) with 134 people Boeing 737-800, registration 4X-EKI performing flight LY-339 from on board, was on approach to Amsterdam already at 2000 feet MSL when the crew reported problems with the flaps extension and aborted the approach. The aircraft entered a holding at 2000 feet for about 20 minutes, the aircraft subsequently commenced a safe landing on Amsterdam's runway 18R at a rather normal speed with emergency services on stand by.

The aircraft was able to depart for its return flight LY-336 with a delay of 2 hours and reached Tel Aviv with 110 minutes delay.


7 בדצמבר 2011

נזילת דלק במהלך טיסה של מטוס בואינג 737 של אל על

מטוס בואינג 737-800 המריא מנתב"ג לפרנקפורט, בטיסת אל-על 357. במטוס היו 3 טייסים, 5 דיילים ו - 122 נוסעים. 
במהלך הטיסה התפתחה נזילת דלק ממנוע ימין, אשר התגלתה בשלב מאוחר, לקראת נחיתה. המטוס נחת בפרנקפורט, פינה מסלול, כיבה מנוע ימין והסיע לעמדת החניה. איש תחזוקה של חברת "לופטהנזה", שמטפלת במטוסי אל על בשדה, איתר ואימת את מקור  נזילת הדלק ממנוע ימין ותיקן אותה. באירוע, המטוס איבד במהלך הטיסה כ - 2,000 ק"ג  דלק. 

31 באוקטובר 2011

תקלת מנוע במטוס 737-800 של אל על

An Elal Boeing 737-800, registration 4X-EKP performing flight LY-347 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Zurich (Switzerland), was on approach to Zurich when the crew reported problems with the right hand engine (CFM56) that forced them to reduce the engine to idle thrust. The aircraft continued for a safe landing on Zurich's runway 14.

3 באוקטובר 2011

חליפה קרובה מאוד בין מטוס ATR72 של ישראייר למטוס אירוסוויט האוקראינית

לאחר שמטוס B-767 של חברת אל על המריא על מסלול 26 בנתב"ג, התיישר מטוס ATR-72 של חברת ISR, עם 75 נוסעים ואנשי צוות, על מסלול 26 והמתין. אותה עת השלים מטוס B-737 אוקראיני, של חברת AEW, עם 168 נוסעים ואנשי צוות, את צלע הבסיס לנחיתה, בגישת ראיה, לאותו המסלול. 
פקח המגדל הנחה את מטוס ISR לבצע המראה מיידית ואישר למטוס האוקראיני, שהיה כבר בפיינל קצר, להמשיך לנחיתה. באותו השידור, התריע הפקח לצוות האוקראיני על אפשרות שיידרש ללכת סביב, עקב המטוס הממריא ותוך כדי קריאת התמונה האווירית (מטוס ISR בתחילת ריצה ההמראה והמטוס האוקראיני אחריו בפיינל קצר לנחיתה) המשיך הפקח בהוראה לצוות האוקראיני ללכת סביב, לטפס לגובה 1,000 רגל ולפנות שמאלה לכיוון 300. המטוס האוקראיני התחיל בפניה ימינה ותיקן חזרה לפניה שמאלית, עפ"י הנחיות חוזרות של הפקח - נוצר מצב אווירי חמור שבו המטוס בהליכה סביב שהיה מהיר יחסית למטוס הממריא, סגר עליו מאחור, בגובה נמוך. 
ההפרדה המזערית שנוצרה, קודם שהמטוסים החלו בנתיבי התבדרות, הגיעה לכדי חצי מייל לערך והפרש גובה קטן של 100 רגל בלבד.


14 באוגוסט 2011

מטוס 757-200 של סאן דור - איבוד לחץ בתא הנוסעים

An El Al Boeing 757-200 in Sun d'Or colours, registration 4X-EBT performing flight LY-5034 from Rhodes (Greece) to Tel Aviv (Israel), was enroute at FL390 over the Mediterranean Sea about 270nm northwest of Tel Aviv when the crew initiated an emergency descent due to the loss of cabin pressure. During the descent the passenger oxygen masks were automatically released. The aircraft levelled at FL100 and continued to Tel Aviv for a safe landing on Ben Gurion Airport's runway 12 about one hour later.

26 ביולי 2011

אינדיקציה לאש במנוע במטוס מטען 747-200 של קא"ל

A CAL Cargo Air Lines Boeing 747-200 freighter, registration 4X-ICO performing freight flight 5C-902 from Liege (Belgium) to Tel Aviv (Israel), was climbing out of Liege's runway 05R at around 03:20L (01:20Z) when the crew reported an engine (CF6) fire indication, shut the engine down, activated the fire suppression system and levelled off at 8000 feet. The aircraft returned to Liege's runway 23L for a safe landing about 40 minutes after departure.

The airport reported the aircraft served the route Liege-New York, which would be flight 5C-981 (radar data however show the aircraft on flight 5C-902 after arriving in Liege as flight 5C-901 from Tel Aviv). The crew received an engine fire indication and activated the fire suppression system. The aircraft landed safely around 03:55L (01:55Z).

CAL Cargo Air Lines' schedule identifies an ABX Air flight GB-10 from Liege to New York JFK,NY (USA) on Tuesday Jul 26th too, this flight was performed by an ABX Air Boeing 767-200 registration N315AA, the flight departed Liege at 04:45L (02:45Z) and reached New York on schedule at 06:53L (10:53Z).

The NTSB reported on Aug 26th 2011 that the crew heard a loud bang from the #2 engine (inboard left), observed a reduction of N2 and a sharp rise of EGT. The crew shut the engine down and returned to Liege. An initial inspection of the engine showed metal debris (fractured pieces of turbine blades and vanes) in the tailpipe of the engine. Israel's Ministry of Transport is investigating.


25 במאי 2011

יירוט שגוי של מטוס ATR72 של ארקיע בידי שני מטוסי חיל האוויר

עקב בעיית זיהוי, יירטו וליוו שני מטוסי קרב של חיל האוויר, מטוס ארקיע מסוג ATR-72, בתוך תחומי TMA בן-גוריון, ללא יידוע מגדל נתב"ג.
היירוט בוצע תוך חציית כל המרחב, מגובה נמוך לגובה 10,000 וחזרה לגובה נמוך, ללא תאום מצד חיל האוויר עם עמדת ה - TMA בבן-גוריון, בזמן שבאותו אזור טסו מטוסי נוסעים אזרחיים נוספים.


23 במאי 2011

מטוס 777-200 - תקלה בכן נסע

An El Al Boeing 777-200, registration 4X-ECD performing flight LY-27 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Newark,NJ (USA) with 283 people on board, could not fully retract the left main gear after departure from Tel Aviv around 01:50L. The aircraft entered a holding to troubleshoot the issue, when the crew detected the unsafe indication continued throughout recycling of the gear and even after selecting gear down. The crew declared emergency, dumped fuel and returned to Tel Aviv for a safe landing on runway 12 around 05:50L just after sunrise.

A replacement Boeing 777-200 registration 4X-ECE is currently estimated to reach Newark with a delay of 8:45 hours.

Passengers reported the crew announced they were having problems with one of the left wheels and were holding to wait for daylight before landing back to Tel Aviv. Brace position was ordered for the landing.

Emergency services reported they followed a disaster plan deployed and tested in November 2010 for an unprecedented deployment of more than 70 ambulances to the airport in case of a gear collapse and possibly resulting injuries.

The NTSB reported on Jun 25th that the left main gear failed to retract, the aircraft dumped fuel and an Israeli fighter aircraft F16 confirmed all gear had extended again in flight followed by a safe landing. A subsequent inspection revealed a structural failure in the upper portion of the left main gear where it enters the forward trunnion. The failed part was removed for further examination. The investigation is conducted by Israel's Ministry of Transport, the NTSB has appointed an accredited representative to assist the investigation representing the state of manufacture and design of aircraft and engines.

4 בפברואר 2011

מטוס מטען 747-200 של אל על - עשן בתא המטען

An El Al Boeing 747-200, registration 4X-AXL performing freight flight LY-881 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Liege (Belgium), diverted to Munich (Germany) for a safe landing after the crew received a smoke alert for the forward cargo hold. The aircraft landed safely, responding emergency services did not find any trace of fire, heat or smoke.

The airplane was able to continue the flight and reached Liege with a delay of 6 hours.

18 באוקטובר 2010

פוטנציאל לחליפה קרובה בין בואינג 737 של אל על למטוס חברת אייר ברלין

מטוס נוסעים B737-800 של חברת איר ברלין, המריא מבן גוריון לקלן בגרמניה. לאחר שהמריא על מסלול 30, בפנייה שמאלית, דרומה, החל בביצוע נוהל עזיבה SOLIN 3F במקום בנוהל העזיבה הנכון - PURLA 1F, כדי לצאת מעל השדה צפונה ואח"כ מערבה ל - SOLIN. אותה עת היה מטוס אל על, B737-700, בהנמכה מעליו, בתהליך RNAV VISUAL 30, לנחיתה. זמן קצר אח"כ הפנה הפקח את מטוס איר ברלין ימינה, מערבה, ומנע את התפתחותו של האירוע לכדי פוטנציאל לחליפה קרובה, על ערוצי קשר נפרדים.

31 באוגוסט 2010

מנוע מטוס 777-200 של אל על נכבה במהלך טיסה

An El Al Boeing 777-200, registration 4X-ECD performing flight LY-319 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Paris Charles de Gaulle (France) with 266 passengers, diverted to Sofia (Bulgaria) after the crew needed to shut the right hand engine (Trent 895) down following a low oil pressure indication. The airplane landed safely in Sofia.

The passengers were taken to local hotels. A replacement Sun d Or Boeing 757-200 registration 4X-EBM was dispatched to Sofia and reached Paris with a delay of 11:45 hours.

The incident airplane is still in Sofia, it's right hand engine needs to be replaced.

3 ביוני 2010

מנוע כבה במהלך טיסת מטוס ATR72 של ארקיע

An Arkia Aerospatiale ATR-72-500, flight from Elat to Tel Aviv Sde-Dov (Israel) with 77 people on board, experienced an engine problem shortly after takeoff from Elat prompting the crew to shut the engine down. The aircraft diverted to Ovda due to the longer runway availabe. The airplane landed safely in Ovda.

 Arkia dispatched a replacement aircraft to complete the journey.

17 בדצמבר 2009

מטוס 737-800 של אל על כמעט מתנגש במטוס לופטהנזה

A Lufthansa Boeing 747-400, registration D-ABVY performing flight LH-686 from Frankfurt/Main (Germany) to Tel Aviv (Israel) with 350 passengers, was on an ILS final approach to runway 26 of Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport.

An El Al Boeing 737-800, registration 4X-EKH performing flight LY-339 from Tel Aviv to Amsterdam (Netherlands) with 80 passengers, was cleared to line up runway 26 and hold.

When the Lufthansa 747 was about 1nm from touch down descending through 350 feet AGL at approx. 13:05L (11:05Z), the El Al 737 received their takeoff clearance and began their takeoff run. The Lufthansa crew aborted their approach and went around. During the go-around the crew received a Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Resolution Advisory (RA) to climb, the El Al Boeing 737 also received a TCAS RA to monitor vertical speed.

The German BFU reported in their December Bulletin, that the two aircraft came as close as approximately 200 meters/650 feet laterally and approximately 500 feet vertically. Israel's Civil Aviation Authority is investigating the serious incident.

A ground witness had observed the two aircraft and alerted Israeli Press to the incident. In view of these reports Israel's Ministry of Transport reported later on Dec 17th 2009, that initial results of the investigation of an alleged proximity did not indicate "a safety incident had occured".

Israel's Airport Authority said, that both tower controllers involved in the
 incident have been suspended immediately after the incident.


28 בדצמבר 2009

אי שמירת מרחק של מטוס 777-200 של אל על עם מטוס אייר פראנס

An Air France Airbus A318-100, registration F-GUGJ performing flight AF-2686 from Paris Charles de Gaulle (France) to Sofia (Bulgaria) with 70 people on board, was enroute in Serbian Airspace and was cleared to descend to FL350. The crew read back their clearance correctly but continued descent below FL350.

An El Al Boeing 777-200, registration 4X-ECE performing flight LY-7 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to New York JFK,NY (USA) with about 120 people on board, was enroute in Serbian Airspace at FL340 on a laterally converging flight path to AF-2686.

Serbia's Civil Aviation Authority reported, that by intervention of air traffic control the Air France stopped their descent at FL347, when the two aircraft were about 700 feet vertically and 3.5nm laterally apart below required separation minima. The CAA has launched an investigation into the incident.

Air France reported, that the crew responded to a TCAS resolution advisory applying standard operating procedures. All relevant information has been forwarded to the French Directorate General of Civil Aviation as well the Bureau of Investigation and Analysis (BEA). An internal investigation is in progress.

Israel's press had reported, that a near miss/near collision occured with the two aircraft being just 300 meters (laterally) apart at the same altitude and seconds from colliding, the actual collision being prevented by TCAS alerts.

24 בדצמבר 2009

תקלת מדפים במטוס 737-800 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 737-800, flight LY-443 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Cairo (Egypt), returned to Tel Aviv after the flaps could not be fully retracted. The airplane landed safely.

A replacement aircraft reached Cairo with a delay of 3.5 hours.

24 בדצמבר 2009

פגיעת ציפור במטוס 767-300 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 767-300, flight LY-72 from Mumbai (India) to Tel Aviv (Israel), ingested a bird into one of its engine on departure from Mumbai. The crew decided to return to Mumbai for a safe landing.

The flight had to be cancelled, the passengers were taken to local hotels. A repair team was flown from Tel Aviv to Mumbai. The flight is expected to reach Tel Aviv with a delay of 2 days.



21 באוקטובר 2009

מצב חירום רפואי במטוס 747-400 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 747-400, registration 4X-ELA performing flight LY-315 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to London Heathrow,EN (UK), diverted to Athens (Greece) after a passenger suffered symtoms of a heart attack. Cabin crew provided first aid. The airplane landed safely on runway 03R, the passenger was taken to a local hospital.

The airplane reached London with a delay of 2:40 hours.


12 באוקטובר 2009

מצב חירום רפואי במטוס 737-800 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 737-800, registration 4X-EKP performing flight LY-339 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Amsterdam (Netherlands), was about 20 minutes before estimated landing in the early descent towards Amsterdam, when a passenger collapsed. The crew declared emergency and accelerated landing into Amsterdam performing a high speed descent and approach to runway 27 followed by a normal, safe landing. The passenger was pronounced dead after arrival.

El Al told The Aviation Herald, that the passenger had just left the lavatory stating he felt unwell, when he collapsed. First aid was provided by cabin crew and a doctor present on board however they were not able to help anymore. The crew declared MAYDAY and requested an ambulance to stand by for the arrival. 

Passengers on board reported, that the passenger had just stood up to walk to the lavatory, when he collapsed and was left unattended for several minutes. Cabin crew did not know the location of portable oxygen cylinders. Later the passenger was moved towards one of the front rows and covered with a blanket.

29 בספטמבר 2009

תקלה בכן נחיתה של מטוס ATR 72 של ארקיע

 An Arkia Israeli Airlines de Havilland Dash 7-100, flight IZ-807 from Tel Aviv Sde-Dov to Eilat (Israel) with 56 people on board, aborted the approach to Eilat when the right main gear indicated unsafe. The crew declared emergency and performed a second approach some time later, the airplane touched down safely.


25 באוגוסט 2009

ריח חריכה במטוס 747-400 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 747-400, registration 4X-ELC performing flight LY-7 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to New York JFK,NY (USA) with 371 passengers, diverted to Keflavik (Iceland) when a burning smell developed on board. The airplane landed safely in Keflavik about 30 minutes later.

The passengers disembarked a couple of hours later and were brought to hotels. 

The airplane was repaired and reached JFK with a delay of 22 hours.


12 באוגוסט 2009

תקלת שירותים במטוס 767-200 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 767-200, registration 4X-EAD performing flight LY-82 from Bangkok (Thailand) to Tel Aviv (Israel) with 184 passengers, was enroute about 5 hours into the 11 hour flight, when the last working lavatory failed. The crew continued to Tel Aviv, where the airplane arrived on schedule.

Passengers reported, that two lavatories had failed already before takeoff. When the remaining lavatories failed one after the other in flight, cabin crew stopped offering drinks in order to reduce the pressures of nature. Gossip was running amongst the passengers, which bottles and bags could be used to reduce those pressures. Complaints and demands, that the airplane should be diverted, were left without reaction by the crew.

El Al apologized to the passengers for the inconvenience saying, that such a multiple failure occures only once in a few years and can not be repaired during flight.


6 באוגוסט 2009

תקלת מנוע במטוס 737-800 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 737-800, registration 4X-EKF performing flight LY-572 from Bucharest Otopeni (Romania) to Tel Aviv (Israel) with 75 passengers, diverted to Istanbul Ataturk (Turkey) when the right hand engine (CFM56) failed in flight. The airplane landed safely just at midnight local.

El Al scheduled another Boeing 737-800 registration 4X-EKI performing flight LY-542 from Athens (Greece) to Tel Aviv on Aug 7th to make an intermediate stop at the Ataturk Airport to pick the passengers up.


27 במאי 2009

אזעקת שריפה במטוס 767-300 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 767-300, registration 4X-EAR performing flight LY-386 from Rome Fiumicino (Italy) to Tel Aviv (Israel) with 85 passengers and 8 crew, returned to Fiumicino Airport due to a fire alert in one of the lavatories on board shortly after takeoff. The airplane landed safely with emergency services on stand by.

Fire fighters found a cigarette in that lavatory, that had not been fully extinguished


6 במאי 2009

תקלת דלת במטוס 737-700 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 737-700, registration 4X-EKE performing regular line flight LY-383 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Rome Fiumicino (Italy) with 81 passengers, had to return to Tel Aviv after the crew received an indication, that one of the airplane's doors was not closed. The airplane landed safely about 10 minutes after departure.

The door was found "partially closed" and was now properly closed. The airplane reached Rome with a delay of 105 minutes as a result.

The airplane carried President Antonio Saca of El Salvador amongst the passengers. A spokesman for the president said, that the president and his entourage were "mildly shaken".


6 במארס 2009

שמשה סדוקה במטוס 737-700 של אל על

An El Al Boeing 737-700, flight LY-573 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Bucharest Otopi (Romania) with 89 passengers, returned to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport after the first officer's cockpit window developed a crack shortly after takeoff. After burning off some fuel the airplane landed safely about one hour after takeoff.

A replacement aircraft took off with three hours delay and reached Bucharest with a delay of 2:40 hours.

The airline determined, that the window most probably cracked because of temperature differences.


24 בינואר 2009

מנוע כבה במהלך טיסת מטוס 747-200 של אל על

The crew of an El Al Boeing 747-200, registration 4X-AXK performing flight LY-841 from Liege (Belgium) to New York JFK,NY (USA), reported while enroute at FL340 overhead northern Canada near Kuujjuaq, that they needed to shut down an engine. No emergency was declared or further assistance requested. The airplane drifted down to FL300 and continued to destination.