ההתפרעות במטוס אל על: תמליל השיחה עם מגדל הפיקוח בנמה"ת קנדי


שירות חדשות תיירות

להלן תמליל השיחה בקשר בין מגדל הפיקוח בנמה"ת קנדי למטוס אל על ביום שישי האחרון (ספיח לפרשת התפרעות הנוסעים החרדיים שהייתה או לא הייתה):

Elal (11:23pm): Ground, good evening. Elal 002 on Golf short of Alpha. We have to return to the gate. We'd appreciate, ehh, to Alpha to Hotel Bravo.
JFK Ground: Alright Elal 002 heavy, and you're coming out of Golf
Elal: Coming out of Golf, and we request Alpha and we are... approximate, we are eh...
Ground: And you're going to Hotel Bravo, right?
Elal: Yes I am
Ground: OK, Elal 002 heavy, you can taxi right Alpha
Elal: Right Alpha, and hold short Hotel Bravo, 008 (Apparently saying the flight number of the other troubled El Al flight that evening before correcting himself,)... 002

Elal (11:26pm): Will we be able to continue to the takeoff runway we have problems with some passengers. We will get an update in like 1 minute or 2 minutes. If it's possible to wait here and then we'll let you know if know if we can continue to the takeoff, or back to the gate
JFK Ground: Alright Elal 002 heavy just hold short of Hotel then please
Elal: Hold short of Hotel, Elal 002 heavy
JFK Ground: And as soon as you know just update me please
Elal: Thank you very much sir, I appreciate it

JFK Ground (11:27pm): Just hold your position right there for now, and I'll have further for you
Elal: Holding position, Elal 002
Elal: Elal 002 we'd appreciate to depart as soon as possible, otherwise the passengers will continue making problems
JFK Ground: Uh ok Elal 002 heavy, you can continue on Alpha, just hold short of Hotel Bravo, change to ground on 121.65, she's gonna get you the rest of the way.
Elal: 121.65 continue on Alpha, hold short Hotel Bravo Elal 002


הנה השיחה:





